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体系结构 is a combination of artistic ideals, cultural forces, and physical facts. Our studio-based curriculum provides a learning environment that cultivates vigorous dialogue and debate, intellectual discipline, and a self-motivated 搜索 for architectural values.

The pedagogical goal of the architecture program is to develop students who are creatively independent, 有事业心的, 与创造力, who have the ability to order and structure intellectual difficulties, 还有技能, 判断, and desire to make lasting contributions to society.

五年, professional degree program in architecture is accredited by the National Architectural Accreditation Board. Upon completion of degree requirements, the student receives a bachelor of architecture degree and is prepared to enroll in the Intern Development Program (IDP) while employed by a licensed architect. Upon completion of the IDP, an intern architect is eligible to take the Architectural Registration Exam for licensure.

The architecture program is enriched by its relationship with industrial design, 室内设计, and landscape architecture.